Ticketing, Immobilization, Towing

The university reserves the right to cite, immobilize or tow vehicles parked on campus in violation of any rule established in the current traffic and parking regulations pursuant to Minnesota Statute 169.041. The person who registers the vehicle and obtains the permit is responsible for the vehicle’s operation on campus, and for all charges against the vehicle including ticketing, immobilization or towing of the vehicle. The registered owner is ultimately responsible for all charges.

Parking violations are due upon issuance of the violation. Failure to pay any citation within 10 calendar days will result in a $10 penalty. In addition, failure to pay fines may result in issuance of warning letters, holding of transcripts, holding of financial aid, academic holds, state collections by a Revenue Recapture Agency or registration lockout.

Vehicles with three or more outstanding parking citations which are not in appeal status will be immobilized and assessed a $60 fee. If a vehicle has been towed or immobilized, the operator of the vehicle must pay all outstanding parking violations and towing or immobilization fees before the vehicle will be released. The fee assessed by the towing company is at the discretion of that agency.

Unauthorized removal of an autoboot will result in an additional $200 fine. Theft of an autoboot may result in criminal charges and replacement costs of $600. Notices of outstanding violations may be sent to the registered owner of the vehicle. This notification is not required prior to towing or immobilization of any vehicle with outstanding violations.

How to Pay Your Fine

How to Pay for Your Bemidji State University Parking Citation Online

  1. Citations are paid online at Omnigo Software – Online Citation Payment
  2. Enter Citation # and Fine Amount
  3. Search for Citation
  4. Select your Citation and follow the field required.
  5. Select Payment Method
  6. Once processed your citation will be emailed to you to say that it is paid.


Current violations/fees and the corresponding fine amount.

Violation/Fee Amount
Late fee $10
No current permit $25
No current permit displayed $25
Invalid permit for lot $25
Expired meter $25
Parked outside designated stall $25
Permit improperly displayed $25
Reserved parking $25
No overnight parking $25
No trailer parking $35
No parking zone $35
Parked in yellow $35
Parked on grass $35
Parked on sidewalk $35
Other $35
Immobilization fee $60
Stolen or fraud permit $200
Unauthorized removal of boot $200

In addition to the above mentioned violations, vehicles parked on campus in violation of any State Statute outlined in section 169 of the Minnesota Traffic Code will be cited as indicated on the parking violation envelope.

Parking Violation Appeals

If you receive a violation you feel was issued in error, you have the right to appeal the violation to the Parking Advisory Board for review. The Parking Advisory Board is comprised of students, faculty and staff. An appeal should be based on the fact the violation notice was issued contrary to the “BSU/NTC Parking Rules and Regulations.” An appeal is only valid if it’s presented within 10 days of receipt of the violation being appealed.

You must pay the full ticket prior to the Parking Advisory Board’s review.

The Parking Advisory Board will serve as the appeal body for all citations issued and render a decision in each case. All decisions by the Parking Advisory Board are final.

Parking Appeals Form

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Person Filing the Appeal(Required)

Vehicle Description

Describe the following about your vehicle